
Sustentar was created to ensure the application of sustainability concepts in our entire production chain since the supply of raw materials, which is essential for the industrialization and sale of our products that are available in the Brazilian and international markets.

The creation of the Sustentar Standard is based on the experience accumulated throughout our long-lasting technical assistance operation and follow-up of raw material suppliers (soy, corn, and sunflower), which resulted in a methodology with Caramuru’s digital signature of strong concepts guided by our values, determination, and effective execution, relying on our team of agronomists.

Sustentar Protocol and Standard

The Sustentar Protocol and Standard is a document created to describe how Caramuru acts regarding sustainability and the criteria observed in the acquisition of raw materials. It also explains the 
company’s alignment with market needs and the reality of our suppliers.

The Protocol also includes:

  • Sustentar Seal
  • Internal Technical Inspection
  • Sustentar Certification
  • Sustentar Training and Lectures
  • External Audit
  • Sustentar Standard
  • Traceability

Learn more about the Sustentar Protocol and Standard

Basis of the Sustentar Program

The Sustentar Program methodology complies with the guidelines of the Trade For Sustainable Development (T4SD) of the International Trade Center (ITC); the European Feed Manufacturer’s Federation (FEFAC), and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Sustentar’s methodology was submitted for evaluation by Proforest – Proforest is a globally recognized non-profit organization that supports companies, governments, civil society, and other organizations in working towards responsible production and supply of agricultural and forest commodities.

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Sustentar Production Chain


Sustentar involves the company, within the strategy of best practices in all industrial units, aiming at the engagement of all employees.


Involves raw material suppliers, who need to adapt their way of producing to the concepts of sustainable production applicable also to their personal, family, and community lives.


Involves global customers, who acquire products and by-products sealed by Sustentar, with the guarantee of traceability and, therefore, the sustainability of the production and marketing chains.

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Opportunity for all those involved in the chain

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Sustentar Production Chain


Sustentar involves the company, within the strategy of best practices in all industrial units, aiming at the engagement of all employees.

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Sustentar Production Chain


Involves raw material suppliers, who need to adapt their way of producing to the concepts of sustainable production applicable also to their personal, family, and community lives.

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Sustentar Production Chain


Involves global customers, who acquire products and by-products sealed by Sustentar, with the guarantee of traceability and, therefore, the sustainability of the production and marketing chains.

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Opportunity for all those involved in the chain

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Opportunity for all those involved in the chain

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Opportunity for all those involved in the chain


The Sustentar Standard is currently in its 6th enhancement version (2021/2022) and aims to fully include sustainability concepts in the agricultural production chain of raw material suppliers.

The Sustentar Standard has continuous improvement at its core. Its development includes the transparency of results, providing credibility, reliability, and accumulation of data. And, since its creation, Sustentar has been improving to fulfill its purpose and, aligned with Caramuru’s 2025 Vision, important growth goals:

Compliance with the law

Sustentar complies with Brazilian laws and standards, in effect in February 2022:

  • ABNT NBR 9843 – Agricultural pesticide storage.
  • ABNT NBR 17505 – Fuel storage
  • Forest Code – Law 12,727/12
  • Decree 7830/12 and Law 13,887/19.
  • Federal Decree 4,074/02.
  • Normative Instruction 02/08 – MAPA.
  • NR 31 – Regulatory Standard of Occupational Safety and Health in Agriculture, Cattle Raising, Forestry, Forest Exploration, and Aquaculture

Aligned to the SDGs

More broadly, Sustentar is also the result of the suggestion of good practices signed by the UN in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 2 – Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture, SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.