
Sustentar is the practical application of our concepts and values in the entire grain Origination area, which includes the relationships and activities of Caramuru and its raw material suppliers.

Coverage of Sustentar

Sustentar involves:


This standing can be found in our Sustainability Policy, in which we make the following commitments:

Guarantee of sustainable and traceable source

Sustentar is developed and executed by Caramuru to ensure that our products are sustainably sourced and traceable.

As part of its duties, the Sustentar Program periodically carries out a socio-environmental and economic diagnosis with raw material suppliers (soy, corn, and sunflower), pointing out non-compliances, evaluating and requesting the correction of the indicators evaluated that are distorted from the Sustentar Standard. Furthermore, it invests in training and follow-up of raw material suppliers, aiming at the improvement of socio-environmental information and control of revenues and expenses in production to maximize the potential return.

Sustainability Policy

This Sustentainability Policy(“Policy”), approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Caramuru Alimentos S.A. (“Company”) held on May 03, 2021, establishes the values, purposes, guidelines, and rules related to the Company’s Sustainability practices, to benefit the communities in which the Company operates, as well as Society as a whole.

Click here and check out the Sustainability Policy.